Congratulations and welcome to East Celebrity Elite Londonderry!

We want all families to know that much time was spent creating each of our teams and discussing each athlete that attended tryouts. We do not make decisions on which divisions to create and where to place each child lightly. The owners and staff have met daily in an effort to create the most successful teams possible, and also to ensure that each child is placed on a team where they can progress and excel. As I’m sure you can all imagine, this is not an easy task! We feel confident that our 2021-2022 teams will surpass your expectations!



Divisions at ECE do not always remain the same, and this year there have been some changes! We understand that change is sometimes difficult, but we hope you will also find it exciting! Several divisions that existed last year at ECE have changed sizes. Some divisions have been eliminated, as well as others added.  Our entire staff is extremely excited about this and very much looking forward to coaching their teams!

We know that in some cases, kids and parents will be over-joyed at their team placements while some may not have made their first-choice team. We would like to remind everyone that our tryout process is a starting point. If you have not been placed on your first choice team, we encourage all cheerleaders to spend the summer months working hard to continue trying to reach your goal. We also encourage all parents to trust in the process and to support this.

We want all families to realize that throwing a certain tumbling skill is only one aspect of this sport, and we are striving to help all of our students become well-rounded and proficient in all areas of cheerleading. Additionally, being able to throw a skill at home is very different than having the ability to compete that skill. As always, there can be team movement at any point in the season based on each child’s skills, work ethic, etc, but we believe the teams we have currently formed are off to a very successful start!

Please try to avoid making speculations about teams and other athletes. It can be frustrating to us and to other parents/athletes to hear negative comments about the makeup of teams before anyone has even attended a practice. Please realize that in most cases, these speculations are false. ALL teams have been set up for success and ALL teams meet and exceed the skills necessary to score well at competitions. We strongly encourage you all to attend your first practice, whether you are pleased or disappointed with your placement, and to meet your teammates and coaches rather than forming opinions based on hearsay and speculation.


Following our Team Placement post, please do NOT contact the ECE coaches directly with issues or concerns. Any concerns need to be sent to We encourage everyone to practice the 24-hour rule when sending emails. We will begin to respond to emails on Tuesday, June 1st, following the Memorial Day weekend.


We are so excited for the season ahead! Welcome to all of our cheerleaders, both new and veteran athletes! We can’t wait to get 2021-2022 started!!


Tiny Enchanted

Open House & Registration – June 4th, 2021 – 6:00-7:00PM

Coaches: Tracy Hussey & Ava Campbell

Practice Schedule-
Summer: Thursday 5:30-6:30pm
Fall: Thursday 5:30-6:30pm & Saturday 10-11am

Uniform Fitting Date:

Team Members:

Tori B

Adalynn B

Mia F

Charlotte F

Madilyn F

Avery G

Mikayla M

Quinn O

Charly O

Tyler R

Kennedy R

Adelaide W

Mariella W


Y1.1 Envy

Coaches: Tracy Hussey & Colleen Gillis

Practice Schedule-
Summer: Tuesday 6:30-8pm
Fall: Wednesday 5-7pm & Saturday 8-10am

Uniform Fitting Date:

Choreography: Wed. August 25th approx. 9am-4pm

Team Members:

#6 Aeryannah L-D

#8 Ayvree C

#12 Reese P

#15 Ava M

#16 Andy R

#18 Emmalynn S

#20 Elizabeth D

#24 Aubrey B

#25 Sophie M

PT Mayra G

PT Julia S

PT Harper P

PT Emily H

PT Makenzie P


J3 Blackout

Coaches: Kylee Winnett & Emma Meier

Practice Schedule-
Summer: Monday & Wednesday 5-7pm
Fall: Tuesday 5-7pm & Saturday 10am-1pm (tumble hour 12-1)

Uniform Fitting Date: Wed. June 9th 6-7pm

Choreography: Mon. August 23rd & Tues. August 24th approx. 9am-4pm

Team Members:

#5 Kaelyn S

#7 Sophia G

#9 Jaselyn L

#10 Sayde T

#11 Skyler G

#14 Brihanna P

#17 Grace T

#21 Meadow C

#22 Sophia M

#26 Sophia-Rose B

#27 Julia B

#28 Madelyn H

#30 Kendall R

PT Emma S

PT Kendall N

PT Lia S

PT Lyla K

PT Alexis V